Just taken one of these up to the Severn Centre to use as a Sniper nest/Base for the club two levels and a little area to hide in and a slide just because slides are fun!
Tuesday, 29 January 2013
Saturday, 26 January 2013
Picked up one of these cheap in a local toy store lets take a look
The Nerf Vortex Vigilon
Looks awesome lots of bright orange and with a dash of green grey and black to top it all off, the design of this blaster is great! as with every Vortex Blaster i've come across so far the tray release is on both sides for left or right handedness, or even a sneaky duel wield, taking 5 disks in the slide down tray, (although if you pull back the mechanism you can fit another disk in before firing, and its easy to slide a 6th disk into the slot however the last dick will have a tendency to jam) you can easily take out your opponent in much the same style that the Maverik does for N-strike blasters.
As usual with Nerf Blasters for the size it has a really nice weight to it but its most definitely easier to hold the Vigilon with both hands one on the trigger and one under the end of the barrel (the Orange bit at the front, grip the bottom for better stability) the disk fly out the barrel slowly but glide for insane distances (not really been able to test the exact range but fired down my GF's hall at uni and hit the other side of her kitchen about 30-40ft)
Definitely would make a great side arm due to the ease of reloading, if the blaster took a few more disks (maybe 10-15 (i know wouldn't ever happen)) i would consider using this as a primary weapon however until then i think ill use a Nitron with this as my Side arm.
The Nerf Vortex Vigilon
Looks awesome lots of bright orange and with a dash of green grey and black to top it all off, the design of this blaster is great! as with every Vortex Blaster i've come across so far the tray release is on both sides for left or right handedness, or even a sneaky duel wield, taking 5 disks in the slide down tray, (although if you pull back the mechanism you can fit another disk in before firing, and its easy to slide a 6th disk into the slot however the last dick will have a tendency to jam) you can easily take out your opponent in much the same style that the Maverik does for N-strike blasters.
(The disks can be easily slid into the blaster all 5 at a time, saving the time it takes to load each disk one by one)
As usual with Nerf Blasters for the size it has a really nice weight to it but its most definitely easier to hold the Vigilon with both hands one on the trigger and one under the end of the barrel (the Orange bit at the front, grip the bottom for better stability) the disk fly out the barrel slowly but glide for insane distances (not really been able to test the exact range but fired down my GF's hall at uni and hit the other side of her kitchen about 30-40ft)
Definitely would make a great side arm due to the ease of reloading, if the blaster took a few more disks (maybe 10-15 (i know wouldn't ever happen)) i would consider using this as a primary weapon however until then i think ill use a Nitron with this as my Side arm.
Friday, 25 January 2013
Updated blaster list
A quick update on my list of blasters:
- Jolt EX-1 (N-Strike)
- Nite Finder EX-3 (N-Strike)
- Spectre REV-5 (N-Strike)
- Maverick REV-6 (N-Strike)
- Stockade (N-Strike Elite)
- Retaliator (N-Strike Elite)
- Long Strike CS-6 (N-Strike)
- Havok Fire EBF-25 (N-Strike)
- Proton (Vortex)
- Nitron (Vortex)
- Vigilon (Vortex)
hope to update this again soon but due to lack of funds it could be awhile before i can get anything else in also I've only reviewed half of these blasters so far so ill have my hands full of content for you all .
Still can't find my video camera to make the review videos of the proton however i came to see my girlfriend for a few days and look what i was surprised to find brought for me when we got back to her hall :D
Its a Nerf Vortex Nitron and this is a tank! I have been playing with it in my girlfriends hall and i'm quite impressed!
So lets do a really quick review and ill post an updated review once its seen some action!
Lets start off with the look and feel of the blaster the front half of the blaster looks pretty damn cool however, I find that the back half where the batteries go looks kinda boring with not much going on, when you have the batteries inserted into the blaster it gives the whole thing a really nice weight that feels comfortable in your shoulder and in your hands. The clip system for the vortex series is nice and easy, all you have to do it push down the previous disk and slide in another one with no hassle at all, the clip release trigger is easily reached with your thumb, and like the proton its on both sides for left or right handedness. It doesn't even feel like your holding the acceleration trigger down because of its shape and placement, I like this as it feels really comfy to grip the blaster. The range is outstanding i've been shooting it down a hall way and through a kitchen which is aprox 30-40ft before the disks hit the wall so i'm assuming it goes alot further than this. so far ive had only one jam with this blaster and after trying to work out why the motors weren't starting and removing the clip about 4 time i noticed that a disk had got stuck just above the clip which was very easily removed took all of about 2 seconds.
All in all an amazing blaster cant wait to use this at the club it will most likely make an incredible primary weapon in our wars!
Its a Nerf Vortex Nitron and this is a tank! I have been playing with it in my girlfriends hall and i'm quite impressed!
So lets do a really quick review and ill post an updated review once its seen some action!
Lets start off with the look and feel of the blaster the front half of the blaster looks pretty damn cool however, I find that the back half where the batteries go looks kinda boring with not much going on, when you have the batteries inserted into the blaster it gives the whole thing a really nice weight that feels comfortable in your shoulder and in your hands. The clip system for the vortex series is nice and easy, all you have to do it push down the previous disk and slide in another one with no hassle at all, the clip release trigger is easily reached with your thumb, and like the proton its on both sides for left or right handedness. It doesn't even feel like your holding the acceleration trigger down because of its shape and placement, I like this as it feels really comfy to grip the blaster. The range is outstanding i've been shooting it down a hall way and through a kitchen which is aprox 30-40ft before the disks hit the wall so i'm assuming it goes alot further than this. so far ive had only one jam with this blaster and after trying to work out why the motors weren't starting and removing the clip about 4 time i noticed that a disk had got stuck just above the clip which was very easily removed took all of about 2 seconds.
All in all an amazing blaster cant wait to use this at the club it will most likely make an incredible primary weapon in our wars!
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
Received a huge box from Amazon Today look what was inside
And Inside the box
Cant wait to have a play around with these, come back soon to find out how i felt they performed.
Sunday, 20 January 2013
First review
Hey there just got back from the club, had a lot of fun! Due to the small number of kids today I was easily able to get an idea of how some of the blasters performed
First off the Longstrike CS-5:
Although this blaster looks awesome and has a fairly good weight to it, it has a fair few flaws. The blaster jammed regularly and was a bit of a pain to unjam constantly as even though the weight of the gun is a good feel to hold while shooting its awkward to hold while unjaming. What I find most disappointing about this blaster is the range at which the darts fire, where other blaster will shoot from one side of the hall to the other (around 30-40metres) this blaster can only scrape around 10-15metres.
Over all I think this is a cool blaster but I think that is should not be at the high price nor should it be advertised as a "sniper rifle".
Next the Jolt EX-1:
This is probably my favourite blaster to use as a side arm even though you can only fire one dart at a time it's easily concealed in a pocket ready to fire, for the size it's very comfy to hold and aim with, however on flaw I have found is that sometimes the dart will not grip into the blaster an just fall out the end of the barrel without having cocked or fired the blaster this probably happens 3/10 times the blaster was loaded
A great side arm and very useful to surprise your enemy just watch out for misfires.
And now the Retaliator:
This blaster is fantastic, the range is great easily firing the whole width of the hall (30-40 metres) and hits the target almost every time. With a larger clip the blaster could be fairly formidable, but as with all blasters even this has a flaw when the blaster jams it's fairly hard to unjam even with long fingers if you can't pull the messianism back to remove the clip it can be fairly hard to pull the dart out of the clip even trough the access slide.
A great primary weapon if you have a good aim you can take out the enemy from great distances and be outside there weapons range.
And lastly for today the Stockade:
This blaster has an average range of about 25-30 metres the stock is pretty cool it fits well into your shoulder making it easier to aim and holds the same about of dart as the blaster itself holds meaning easy reloading. Even when this blaster does jam, which is very rarely, is incredibly easy to fix just slide open the access and pull the dart out with ease.
A good primary weapon easily out ranged by other blasters but if you can get up close and personal you will become deadly as you can easily unleash all 10 darts in rapid succession due to the battery powered cocking system
And that's all for this week hopefully there will be a Proton un-boxing and demo video during the week :)
First off the Longstrike CS-5:
Although this blaster looks awesome and has a fairly good weight to it, it has a fair few flaws. The blaster jammed regularly and was a bit of a pain to unjam constantly as even though the weight of the gun is a good feel to hold while shooting its awkward to hold while unjaming. What I find most disappointing about this blaster is the range at which the darts fire, where other blaster will shoot from one side of the hall to the other (around 30-40metres) this blaster can only scrape around 10-15metres.
Over all I think this is a cool blaster but I think that is should not be at the high price nor should it be advertised as a "sniper rifle".
Next the Jolt EX-1:
This is probably my favourite blaster to use as a side arm even though you can only fire one dart at a time it's easily concealed in a pocket ready to fire, for the size it's very comfy to hold and aim with, however on flaw I have found is that sometimes the dart will not grip into the blaster an just fall out the end of the barrel without having cocked or fired the blaster this probably happens 3/10 times the blaster was loaded
A great side arm and very useful to surprise your enemy just watch out for misfires.
And now the Retaliator:
This blaster is fantastic, the range is great easily firing the whole width of the hall (30-40 metres) and hits the target almost every time. With a larger clip the blaster could be fairly formidable, but as with all blasters even this has a flaw when the blaster jams it's fairly hard to unjam even with long fingers if you can't pull the messianism back to remove the clip it can be fairly hard to pull the dart out of the clip even trough the access slide.
A great primary weapon if you have a good aim you can take out the enemy from great distances and be outside there weapons range.
And lastly for today the Stockade:
This blaster has an average range of about 25-30 metres the stock is pretty cool it fits well into your shoulder making it easier to aim and holds the same about of dart as the blaster itself holds meaning easy reloading. Even when this blaster does jam, which is very rarely, is incredibly easy to fix just slide open the access and pull the dart out with ease.
A good primary weapon easily out ranged by other blasters but if you can get up close and personal you will become deadly as you can easily unleash all 10 darts in rapid succession due to the battery powered cocking system
And that's all for this week hopefully there will be a Proton un-boxing and demo video during the week :)
Saturday, 19 January 2013
Mods, Mods, Mods and more Mods
The modding culture in Nerf has become a HUGE deal on the internet with everyone modifying there guns to perform better look cool even become hands free! So lets take a quick look at what i beleive are some of the coolest Nerf Blaster mods around
First off probably one of my favorite mods yet is this beastly Nerf tank using a Havok EBF-25 and a home built RC tank
But what if you need something to defend your cookie jar while your not home? well how about a Havok EBF-25 Sentry gun?
From the technologically advanced to technologically old looking check out some of these awesome steampunk Nerf Blasters
Even Batman has one!
Feel like you cant get the range you need out of your new Nerf Blaster?
well a quick Google search can help you there just simply type in the moddel of Blaster you have a look for AR Removal or similar terms.
That's all till tomorrow when we can have a first look at the performance of the Blasters used at the Club
First off probably one of my favorite mods yet is this beastly Nerf tank using a Havok EBF-25 and a home built RC tank
But what if you need something to defend your cookie jar while your not home? well how about a Havok EBF-25 Sentry gun?
From the technologically advanced to technologically old looking check out some of these awesome steampunk Nerf Blasters
Even Batman has one!
Feel like you cant get the range you need out of your new Nerf Blaster?
well a quick Google search can help you there just simply type in the moddel of Blaster you have a look for AR Removal or similar terms.
That's all till tomorrow when we can have a first look at the performance of the Blasters used at the Club
Current list
SO just to Start Off i'm going to write a very short list of the Blasters I currently own and these will be the blasters you can expect some reviews about on Sunday night after the Club:
- Jolt EX-1 (N-Strike)
- Nite Finder EX-3 (N-Strike)
- Spectre REV-5 (N-Strike)
- Maverick REV-6 (N-Strike)
- Stockade (N-StrikeElite)
- Retaliator (N-StrikeElite)
- Long Strike CS-6 (N-Strike)
- Havok Fire EBF-25 (N-Strike)

I'm also waiting on a package with 4 Protons (Vortex) to arrive but i don't think ill get that until next week so i may do an unboxing video and have a play with my little brother during the week and do a quick review based on that.
These are just the Blasters i have alot of the kids bring there own blasters so ill try to do reviews on there guns as i get shot at!
Friday, 18 January 2013
Welcome To Real Nerf Reviews, I'm Mat and ill be doing Nerf blaster reviews on any Nerf blaster i get my hands on, However ill be basing my reviews on blasters that I, and others are using at a weekly club run by me so you will get the most update posts about the performance of each blaster ever time they are used!
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